Grand Council Appointments from 25th October 2022:
Glyn Raymond – Grand DC (active and promotion)
a member of ParagonE 217
Nicholas John Page – Deputy Grand Organist (active and re-appointment)
a member of Ebor C and South Riding 243
Algis James Vasis – Grand Steward (active and first appointment)
a member of Prince Edward G, White Rose 77, Tapton 153, St Lawrence IM 252 and Saddleworth Alled
Phillip Clive Ellenor – Past Grand Registrar (promotion)
a member of Ryedale 138, Stokesley 247 and St Lawrence IM 252
Alan Jones – Past Grand Registrar (promotion)
a member of Old York 29 and St Lawrence IM 252
Anthony Burke – Past Grand Junior Deacon (promotion)
a member of ParagonE 217
Beverley John Heywood – Past Grand Junior Deacon (promotion)
a member of Old York 29, St Lawrence IM 252 and Saddleworth Allied 281
Barry Massam – Past Grand Junior Deacon (promotion)
a member of Old York 29, White Rose 77, St Lawrence IM 252 and Saddleworth Allied 281
Michael Bunce – Past Grand Standard Bearer (first appointment)
a member of Ebor C and South Riding 243
Philip George Christopher Mort – Past Grand Inner Guard (first appointment)
a member of Ebor C, Ryedale 138 and St Lawrence IM 252