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Photo taken just after the Installation of Algis Vasis as Master of Tapton 153 at Swinton MH on 20 Nov 2024. To cap it all, there was a new member admitted into the Lodge. Bro Christopher Hamer is seen standing on the left of the DistGPref, as viewed in the image. There was also a visit by members of the District Team in support of the DistGPref and our Deputy. I’m told that a great night was had by all.
Click on the image to enlarge.

At the installation meeting of St Lawrence IM on Friday 19th July, it was a very warm night and, it is true to say, dress was very casual, but that did not detract from an excellent meeting on Friday 19th July.
W Bro Arthur Wainwright bracketed by the DistGPref and the Deputy.

Members of Frank G Whitworth 175 along with some visiting brethren at their Installation Meeting on Friday 21st June 2024.

The three smiling faces tell it all following the Installation Meeting at Prince Edward G in Ripon.
left to right – Brian Butterfield DistGPref (glad it was an excellent ceremony well done), James Vaughn (incoming Master and glad to be in the Chair) and Algis Vasis (Installing Master and glad to out of the Chair)

The Rulers accompanied by members of the District Team attending the installation of W Bro Neil Woodward of ParagonE 217 on Monday 04 Mar 2024 in Beverley.
Rear rank (left to right) Marios Adamou DisstGSwdB, Colin Forster DepDistGDC, David Spivey DistGDC and StephenSharp ADistGDC.
Front rank (left to right) Brian Butterfield DistGPref, Stephen Cox with early appointment to District Grand Rank, Neil Woodward newly installed WM and Clive Copley DepDistGPref.